
European Union Programs: YOUTH IN ACTION, SOCRATES

Modjeska Theatre in Legnica, Poland

The development of cultural and artistic events for an active citizenship.

The project sponsored by the SOCRATES GRUNTVIG 2 PROJECT

This project is due to supporting and developing informal and innovative educational solutions and programs on a local and international arena.

Methods and means of approach:

1. Meetings, discussions about the informal and other form of education and the means common and local events and projects.

2. Lectures dealing with politics of innovative and informal ways of teaching in Europe and possibilities of international projects.

3. Creative and psycho educational workshops for adults (including performing arts and painting), innovative and creative approach towards professional careers and the social aspects of the members.

4. The display of the works of our association members on the international web site.


1. The awareness of the needs of the association members. Creating a chance to come up with common events and ideas on a and local and international arena.

2. Setting up international relations on social, cultural and personal levels.

3. Because of this project, we do hope to continue the local events of our association

 E.g. The Stage under the Pear Tree. Besides, we would like to move on with other activities like workshops of active creativity in all kinds of schools.


Adults who would like to participate and to get involved in any local community in the areas of informal education on local and international arena.